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Monday, September 27, 2010
first phone update.
This is an update from my cool new phone that does way more then i thought it could. More soon!
Since my eco blog so much has happened. Tony got a job offer in Virginia. He took it and he starts on Wed. He will be driving there tomorrow to get there on Tuesday. He will be working M-F in a training thing till Nov 1. So he wont be able to come back to help us move till after then.
We spent the afternoon at Uncle Joe and Aunt Karen's house saying bye to the rest of the Coronas and my Family. Unfortunately Missy and Chris are on a cruise so they will have to wait till Tony comes back to say bye. I hope they had lots of fun and cant wait to hear stories!
Roman will be 11 months old on the 3rd of October. Everyone else is so good at telling their milestones so I am going to try to remember the things he does.
We spent the afternoon at Uncle Joe and Aunt Karen's house saying bye to the rest of the Coronas and my Family. Unfortunately Missy and Chris are on a cruise so they will have to wait till Tony comes back to say bye. I hope they had lots of fun and cant wait to hear stories!
Roman will be 11 months old on the 3rd of October. Everyone else is so good at telling their milestones so I am going to try to remember the things he does.
- Has only two bottom front teeth. No signs of more.
- Loves t o feed himself mum mums in banana and veggie and plum organics food pouches which he will suck down in 5 seconds flat.
- He is so good at crawling I think he has no interest in walking, but he is so good at it! He walks almost unassisted but if we let go he sits. He stands often alone now and seems to not notice then he sits down.
- He claps, high 5s, waves, gives kisses, points at us when you ask him (where's mama/dada or Elly/Mia) and throws the ball for Elly and giggles at the dogs. He also talks on the phone and loves the remote. He has a fake phone that looks real and he jabbers on it often. He will talk to anything though.. lego, block, ball. He will also hand you things if you hold out your hand.
- He can drink out of a cup, a water bottle, a sippy cup, and a straw he can even do the camel back ones too. He doesn't drink much besides water. He will drink out of a juice box. He will also spit it out just as good as he drinks it for fun too.
- He loves to play with Elly even when she is not interested in him, he thinks they are playing.
- He loves other babies and points and talks to them in stores
- He is a cuddle bug and loves to hug on me and tony
- He enjoys flap books and looking under the flaps.
- He loves to go on walks in the stroller. I think he could stay in it all day long if I could move all day!
- He can say mama, dada, and we think he says ball and dog... but they sound like Bah and Dah. He uses them correctly so we are almost positive that's what he is saying as of tonight.
- He is wearing anything from 6 to 18 months. I would say the 12 -18 months is much roomier but not too big.
- Size 3 and 4 shoes but we don't wear them often he only has 2 pairs that he wears and his dress shoes.
- Size 3 diapers
- Still nursing a few times a day mostly mornings and afternoons and not at night.
- Sleeps all night from 8 pm to almost 7 am most nights. The past few nights it's been a little later to bed, but still early to rise!
- We are still wrapping him up (swaddling) to get him to sleep. He will go to sleep on his own sometimes. I sometimes worry this is bad and he needs to sleep on his own then we let him cry for a minute (or more) and he is out but its nice to hold him since he is getting big so fast. When he sleeps on his own its so cute because he will stick his butt in the air and tuck his legs under.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The shoe cabinet...

Can I tell you how much I LOVE this idea?! Its the cutest thing ever now I just wish I had a closet for it to go in. Or a room maybe? I can not wait to have a home to decorate using old repurposed furniture in it. I cant wait to strip it and paint it or stain it. I have so many ideas of what I want to do I have no idea where to start. I keep seeing cute dressers in thrift stores and I want to buy them so bad. They are so cheap too! This was on the blog for the store called Uptown Country located in Schneider Plaza in Dallas and they are so cute. I had never been in there till a few weeks ago. Its very cute. The whole store is also all about recycling! They use old things and give them new lives in the decor and the things they sell. Its a mother daughter team who does it too.
Check out their website

Can I tell you how much I LOVE this idea?! Its the cutest thing ever now I just wish I had a closet for it to go in. Or a room maybe? I can not wait to have a home to decorate using old repurposed furniture in it. I cant wait to strip it and paint it or stain it. I have so many ideas of what I want to do I have no idea where to start. I keep seeing cute dressers in thrift stores and I want to buy them so bad. They are so cheap too! This was on the blog for the store called Uptown Country located in Schneider Plaza in Dallas and they are so cute. I had never been in there till a few weeks ago. Its very cute. The whole store is also all about recycling! They use old things and give them new lives in the decor and the things they sell. Its a mother daughter team who does it too.
Check out their website
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Anyday can be a green day.
Remember the three Rs? Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle? I will refresh your memory...
Anytime it is possible reduce the amount of waist you will make. Try to buy things that have less packaging. Less waste means less space in the landfill. Buy things that are free of hazardous chemicals. You can even make your own cleaners with a few simple ingredients (like your great great grandma did).
Bring your own bags to the store and not just the grocery store anywhere you buy things and they give you a bag. Repeat again and again.
The main things that most people know are paper, plastic, and glass and depending on your area you can drop them at your curb or find a local center to take them to. There are a number of plastics that can be recycled, you can tell mostly if they have a #1-7 on them you just have to find the right place.
Other things that should be recycled properly and not throw in the trash are cleaning items, batteries, old appliances, garage and garden supplies. HERE
The EPA has a fun map game to play and find out more info on recycling HERE
HERE is a link to read more about what is recyclable
So I have more ideas to come.
What appliances use the most energy?
How can you save money and the earth?
Simple ways to go green.
What do you want to know about? Anything that you have been wondering about?
Going green is important to me so I thought I should share the things I feel can make a difference in the world. I read something like this the other day.. If you don't think one thing can make a difference you have never had to sleep in a room with a mosquito.
If you don't do it who will?!
Anytime it is possible reduce the amount of waist you will make. Try to buy things that have less packaging. Less waste means less space in the landfill. Buy things that are free of hazardous chemicals. You can even make your own cleaners with a few simple ingredients (like your great great grandma did).
Bring your own bags to the store and not just the grocery store anywhere you buy things and they give you a bag. Repeat again and again.
The main things that most people know are paper, plastic, and glass and depending on your area you can drop them at your curb or find a local center to take them to. There are a number of plastics that can be recycled, you can tell mostly if they have a #1-7 on them you just have to find the right place.
Other things that should be recycled properly and not throw in the trash are cleaning items, batteries, old appliances, garage and garden supplies. HERE
The EPA has a fun map game to play and find out more info on recycling HERE
HERE is a link to read more about what is recyclable
So I have more ideas to come.
What appliances use the most energy?
How can you save money and the earth?
Simple ways to go green.
What do you want to know about? Anything that you have been wondering about?
Going green is important to me so I thought I should share the things I feel can make a difference in the world. I read something like this the other day.. If you don't think one thing can make a difference you have never had to sleep in a room with a mosquito.
If you don't do it who will?!
My thoughts on the world
The world is such a small place, but its also so huge. I know that's not a new idea but it is so big. I have been thinking often about how important recycling is to me and why. I know it sounds silly but I think it has to do with exactly that. How big and small our world is. There is only so much space out there and if its filled with trash how can the future beings enjoy it and thrive in it. We are all here to live and die. What you do with that life is up to you, but your actions impact others. Sometimes I think it I don't see something it doesn't happen; I often joke with Tony on trips that if I don't take a picture of it it didn't happen. Of course I know its not true. I find it frustrating when others refuse to participate when its so easy! Okay so I know that those things (The movie about a day on earth and recycling) are not exactly connected but in some way they are. In my head they are. Sooo since knowledge is power I have decided to try to do blogs about being green. I like to learn more about saving the planet and I might as well document it right?!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
ONE Day on Earth
Have you all heard about this upcoming film/media movement called One Day on Earth??? OH MY Gosh. I just read about it and watched this super cool video on it too. It is an amazing concept. I have no idea how they are going to edit the video and make it only 120 minutes.
This person has a video up that you can watch and a link to an entry about it here. *(He also has cool pics of his wife's pregnancy up till she started to have contractions on the 39 week shoot!)
Tony just came in and asked what I was blogging about and I got distracted and have a block in my head. I am going to sleep on this then come back tomorrow with my deep thoughts on the concept. The following is from the site explaining the project.
"Across the planet, documentary filmmakers, students, and inspired citizens will record the human experience over a 24-hour period. By participating in this historic event, you will help capture the diversity of life and culture on this planet. Together we will create a document that is a gift to the world.
One Day on Earth is a documentary and new media project about the amazing diversity, conflict, tragedy, and triumph that occurs in one 24-hour period on Earth. More than a film, One Day on Earth is a multi-platform participatory media project. The flagship of this project is a 120-minute documentary to be released theatrically. Through the One Day on Earth platform we will establish a community that not only watches, but participates."
This person has a video up that you can watch and a link to an entry about it here. *(He also has cool pics of his wife's pregnancy up till she started to have contractions on the 39 week shoot!)
Tony just came in and asked what I was blogging about and I got distracted and have a block in my head. I am going to sleep on this then come back tomorrow with my deep thoughts on the concept. The following is from the site explaining the project.
"Across the planet, documentary filmmakers, students, and inspired citizens will record the human experience over a 24-hour period. By participating in this historic event, you will help capture the diversity of life and culture on this planet. Together we will create a document that is a gift to the world.
One Day on Earth is a documentary and new media project about the amazing diversity, conflict, tragedy, and triumph that occurs in one 24-hour period on Earth. More than a film, One Day on Earth is a multi-platform participatory media project. The flagship of this project is a 120-minute documentary to be released theatrically. Through the One Day on Earth platform we will establish a community that not only watches, but participates."
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tooth #2/update 10 months
Romans second bottom tooth came in. His left one I believe. It is hardly visible but you can feel the sucker! He seems to notice they are in there now. He is eating more and more table foods. He likes toast and real chicken. He does not like the baby food meats. He also does not like things that are too textured in his mouth. He will stick his tongue out till he gets the gross out. He looks like a lizard, or a kitty. :) We are still trying to do baby signs, but I dont think I do them often enough for him to connect them. I guess I need to work on that. We do signs for poopy, please, more, bite, kitty/cat, and dog/puppy (same signs for each). We were doing mom, dad, and baby too but its been a while. He sure doesn't like his naps. He goes down pretty good at night though. He sleeps all night still. Thankfully the teeth haven't disrupted that. He waves, and claps too. I am trying to also teach him that he is "soooooo big" by stretching his arms out. He is the most amazing baby on the go for the most part that is. He loves to eat. He sometimes will get mad at me when his first jar of food is out and I dont have another. Some days he is fine with one jar, but other days he will eat till his tummy is hard and gets very upset if I try to stop the meal. Most of the time two jars of baby food does it though. We are still nursing but we are down from 500 times a day to more like 2 to 4. Sometimes he goes to bed without a snack. I am not sure how ending nursing is going to go. There are times when he just fights and fights to get in the position. Any moms out there have problems with that? When did you stop nursing? I have been thinking I would stop at 1. But I am thinking maybe I wont.. I know what you are thinking! Its so easy to do! If we did go past 1 I think it would just be one time a day as he eases into milk. How much whole milk a day should he be drinking at 1?
Happy Birthday TONY!!
Today is my wonderful husbands Birthday. He is away in California at an interview today. He will be back soon. :) We wish him lots of luck and hope he has a wonderful day!
Thank you for being so great Tony. I have spent just about everyday with you the past 6 months and I honestly can say that I never get sick of you. There are times when I am annoyed with you of course, but I never want to be away from you for long. You make me laugh even when I want to be mad at you. I love that I laugh at all your jokes, and not just to make you feel better, its because I really think you are funny. You are so seriously silly. I love watching you with Roman. You are the best father that I can imagine. You love to play with our baby and I love to watch you. You are better at putting him to sleep then I am and you do certain things different then I do and I love that. I love that I have you to help me when I cant do it anymore. I am happy you want to be so involved with our baby. I am so excited for the things to come this next year. We will have a one year old and move to a new home in a new location. I look forward to all the trips we will take together. Hope this year is better then last year for you! LOVE YOU!
Now and Forever babe
Your Loving Wife Crystal
Thank you for being so great Tony. I have spent just about everyday with you the past 6 months and I honestly can say that I never get sick of you. There are times when I am annoyed with you of course, but I never want to be away from you for long. You make me laugh even when I want to be mad at you. I love that I laugh at all your jokes, and not just to make you feel better, its because I really think you are funny. You are so seriously silly. I love watching you with Roman. You are the best father that I can imagine. You love to play with our baby and I love to watch you. You are better at putting him to sleep then I am and you do certain things different then I do and I love that. I love that I have you to help me when I cant do it anymore. I am happy you want to be so involved with our baby. I am so excited for the things to come this next year. We will have a one year old and move to a new home in a new location. I look forward to all the trips we will take together. Hope this year is better then last year for you! LOVE YOU!
Now and Forever babe
Your Loving Wife Crystal
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