Roman Ticker

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Anniversary ticker

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, July 16, 2010

Mango, Peas, and Pears Please.

Roman on July 5th in the pool with his ducky

Same day
Roman eating the beets my mom made for him - Or not eating

He looks like he just killed something.. and put on lipstick.
I was laughing so hard when i took this because it really looked like he had on lipstick!

I love reading posts but I just hardly have much to say and plus sometimes I don't feel like anyone reads my blog. I know you do.. Since you are right now. BUT sometimes I don't know who YOU are. I will admit that sometimes I don't read a post if there are no photos. SOO I posted photos. :) Just for those like me.
Leave some love.

Well this post might not interest many but I made a second attempt at making foods for Roman.
To backtrack - So far I have pureed and froze (Organic) Carrots, sweet potatoes, and pears. All in individual little cubes. I was so excited because he had liked the sweet potatoes and carrots that I got at the store at that point and when I was making him the pears I let him taste it in his mesh teether and he LOVED them. But he seems to hate my food. I think its not as smooth as the jars. I had to mix it with jars to get him to eat most of it. Sometimes he ate mine alone, not its still not gone. I decided to buy jars in an effort to get him to eat more things and see what he likes because at almost 8 months he had had like 5 things. I tried to start him on Veggies. I think he had bananas, then avocados, sweet potatoes - Maybe? Did I post about this already? Why did I not write this down? OK well. He hates veggies now. He has had a handful of others now and its official that he does not like any and all veggies unless they are mixed with fruits and preferably pears. He LOVES pears. I think tonight he ate so many that he was stuffed and not happy. He also likes bananas but I found out they are binding we are trying to be unbinding so I am limiting his banana intake now. Poor little guy was having troubles with his output.

I recently found a new prodcut at BabiesRUS. Its food pouches. They have mixed fruits and veggies in fun combos. Like "sweet potatoes, pumpkin, apples, and blueberries" or "Broccoli, pears, and peas". The two companies are Ella's Kitchen and Plum Organics. They have many combos and I was told by two people in the isle that their kids LOVE them. SOO i had to try them for Roman. He of course loves them and he can suck on them like a little juice pack with a giant straw. Or you can squeeze it right into his mouth or onto a spoon. We love them they are so easy to use! PLUS I think I can upcycle Ella's Kitchen. See Terracycle for more info on upcycling. Get paid to save the earth! I think I might do a post on them. !?

Why am I talking about them when I am supposed to be talking about homemade foods? Because they inspired me to make my own veggie/fruit mix. I came up with drum roll.......... Mango, Peas, and Pears of course - Hint hint! Let me tell you I am so proud they tasted good! I did about 1 cup peas and used one small pear and one mango. I choose not to peal the pear since he should be able to digest them at his age easily (according to the internet). I used ice cube trays for the first half then had the brilliant idea of freezing them in my extra Medela bags. BRILLIANT Idea. Since the peal did not puree very well I decided to strain it in a pasta strainer to get some of the larger pieces out. I put them in the bags and was able to see how much it was. Since its in a larger portion for him now I plan to just take out the bag and thaw in the fridge or in warm water then serve! The cubes also were getting freezer burn in the bag and I hope this will prevent it. I plan to make something with apples, broccoli, carrots, blueberries and I think blackberries. Whats the difference with Yams and Sweet potatoes I have those to use too? I know people have different thoughts on berries, but he has had strawberries and raspberries with no reaction so as long as the internet doesn't freak me out I plan to use those soon too.

Roman liked it tonight, but I gave him the unstained version so I did have some food spit back out, but he ate most of it with some added pears and some bites he ate just fine with no added pears! (I have a ton of Organic Pears since it was the special of the day at BabiesRUs - 3.60 for 12 jars!) I think I will for sure make this again and maybe just use mango and pear? Or Peach instead? The possibilities are endless! Wish me luck!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Giveaway Post

Jessica over at Diamond in the Sky is giving away a super cute Bag from Ding-Bats a baby store located in Tulsa, OK. It happens to be marketed as a diaper bag, but its so cute anyone could use it. It has great storage and a gender neutral pattern too.

Hit her up over here .

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th!!

I Hope everyone had a great 4th of July Weekend! Fireworks for anyone??! The rain has kept us from wanting to venture out to see any. We spent yesterday at my parents house with the coronas too. IT was an surprise birthday party for me. The earliest I have ever officially celebrated, but not the earliest I have started! Its my birthday month, right?! Missy made me a tree hugger cake. It was so cute and perfect for me.

Today we plan to spend the afternoon at Tony's Aunt and Uncle. My parents might stop by too for a bit. I plan on swimming rain or shine and it looks like shine! I know Roman is excited about getting in the pool too.

Roman turned 8 months old yesterday and he is doing so many things. I uploaded all the videos from the past 4 months from our computer and got to relive it all again. From our last days in our house there to the hotel to all our trips. He started to push up and roll over all the time, then he started to pull himself on the floor, then he ate his first solid foods, He started to officially crawl, Pull up to standing, Sit on his heels, sit up alone, go from crawling to sitting and vise versa, eat more big people foods. He also has been saying momma and sometimes dadda, he clicks his tongue and mouth making all kinds of sounds. He has also been sleeping all night long- That is a BIG one, I think it took him 7 months longer then all other babies we know. We are still nursing too. I have made him food too but he doesn't like my consistency I guess (I watered it down too), so I have been mixing it with cans till he will eat it more. He LOVES pears and raspberries. That is the only food he will eat the entire jar/container of. We are on 4 now. He hasn't eaten that much of anything else.

The following are a few pics I snapped in my parents backyard last.

Pulling up to stand

So cute

My mom helps him smile

"where did that kitty go?"

"now you see mom.."

"this is why I need.."

lounging baby

What a big boy!!!

The chair is from Iowa ;)