We took Roman to the pool this past Sunday. It was SOOO MUCH FUN> he loved it. I was a little worried about how he would react to the water temp. I had been before and it was much warmer in the building this time. Even getting into the water felt warmer. So he was very unsure at first. I have videos posted on Youtube. The camera wont upload them in a playable format on my computer so they are on Tonys. Maybe I can sign on there and put one on. He made a few pouty faces that were of course too cute. Then he was happy as could be. He loved the water and we even put him in an infant lifejacket. That was sooooo great. He loved to float. We would just pull him around and he soon started to just coo and coo. It was adorable. He was so happy and I couldn't have been happier either. We stayed for about an hour and I was only a little worried about him pooping and ending the pool day for everyone. Even with swim diaper trunks I am sure that would not keep it in. Gross I know.. but still I was worried!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Swimming Baby!
We took Roman to the pool this past Sunday. It was SOOO MUCH FUN> he loved it. I was a little worried about how he would react to the water temp. I had been before and it was much warmer in the building this time. Even getting into the water felt warmer. So he was very unsure at first. I have videos posted on Youtube. The camera wont upload them in a playable format on my computer so they are on Tonys. Maybe I can sign on there and put one on. He made a few pouty faces that were of course too cute. Then he was happy as could be. He loved the water and we even put him in an infant lifejacket. That was sooooo great. He loved to float. We would just pull him around and he soon started to just coo and coo. It was adorable. He was so happy and I couldn't have been happier either. We stayed for about an hour and I was only a little worried about him pooping and ending the pool day for everyone. Even with swim diaper trunks I am sure that would not keep it in. Gross I know.. but still I was worried!

HERE is a cute video.
We took Roman to the pool this past Sunday. It was SOOO MUCH FUN> he loved it. I was a little worried about how he would react to the water temp. I had been before and it was much warmer in the building this time. Even getting into the water felt warmer. So he was very unsure at first. I have videos posted on Youtube. The camera wont upload them in a playable format on my computer so they are on Tonys. Maybe I can sign on there and put one on. He made a few pouty faces that were of course too cute. Then he was happy as could be. He loved the water and we even put him in an infant lifejacket. That was sooooo great. He loved to float. We would just pull him around and he soon started to just coo and coo. It was adorable. He was so happy and I couldn't have been happier either. We stayed for about an hour and I was only a little worried about him pooping and ending the pool day for everyone. Even with swim diaper trunks I am sure that would not keep it in. Gross I know.. but still I was worried!
We took Roman to the pool this past Sunday. It was SOOO MUCH FUN> he loved it. I was a little worried about how he would react to the water temp. I had been before and it was much warmer in the building this time. Even getting into the water felt warmer. So he was very unsure at first. I have videos posted on Youtube. The camera wont upload them in a playable format on my computer so they are on Tonys. Maybe I can sign on there and put one on. He made a few pouty faces that were of course too cute. Then he was happy as could be. He loved the water and we even put him in an infant lifejacket. That was sooooo great. He loved to float. We would just pull him around and he soon started to just coo and coo. It was adorable. He was so happy and I couldn't have been happier either. We stayed for about an hour and I was only a little worried about him pooping and ending the pool day for everyone. Even with swim diaper trunks I am sure that would not keep it in. Gross I know.. but still I was worried!
Friday, February 19, 2010
First Family Trip on a plane!
We took our first trip just the three of us overnight in another country this past weekend. We went to Mallorca and island that is part of Spain. We stayed in the town called Palma. We left from Hahn airport here in Germany and took the over 2 hour flight with Roman. It was his first time in an airplane. He did pretty good. He also slept in his first and second crib and saw the ocean and a beach. He rode in his first taxi and bus too!
He was napping while we went to the Arab Baths.
I had to cover his face to get him to shut his eyes.
I had to cover his face to get him to shut his eyes.
Family Photo with the city behind us
This place was wonderful. We left another place before we found this restaurant.
They were soooo awesome. She brought be a pillow and even suggested
this table so Roman could be next to me. Our meals were great too.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
did you know...
This is the law in Texas regarding breast feeding. From www.breastmilkcounts.com

The legislature finds that breast-feeding a baby is an important and basic act of nurture that must be encouraged in the interests of maternal and child health and family values. In compliance with the breast-feeding promotion program established under the federal Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (42 U.S.C. Section 1771 et seq.), the legislature recognizes breast-feeding as the best method of
infant nutrition.
infant nutrition.
A mother is entitled to breast-feed her baby in any location in which the mother
is authorized to be.
is authorized to be.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
The month of January - Review
January is Month 3! He is much bigger then he was when we brought him home. He I believe is already close to 15 pounds and according to my tape measure he is 25 1/2 inches long. He was 7.6lbs when we brought him home and he was 21 1/4 inches long. I will do again the month in photos..
I also posted some videos on youtube. This is a link to just one.First picture of him in 2010
Happy New YEAR!!
(Frankfurt Airport - I didn't make that up)
Monday, February 1, 2010
New Toys and giggles
I got Roman a little bouncy toy. I don't know what to call it.
I guess its an entertainment center really.
He is so very excited about it, cant you tell from his face!? He just loves it, for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. I guess its good that he doesn't like it too much or I would feel bad taking him away from it to say change his diaper, put him down for a nap, feed him or even play with him myself! Today we were playing on the floor and I swear he giggled for the first time that wasnt followed by a cry. He has been giving us a little giggle, but he seemed to confuse it with sadness, because he would cry after it. This morning there were no crys anywhere near it! AND I was being funny, so of course he was laughing. I was stretching his arms above his head saying "stretch, stretch, stretch" then we would move his arms across his chest and say "run, run, run" and he giggled! It was oh so cute and I did it till he didn't want to giggle anymore. It was a short one, so we haven't got a full out belly laugh yet, but still cute. Tony heard too because he was home for lunch. I am going to miss him when he has to be gone all day long everyday of the week.
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