I am so excited for this year. We will have so many things happening in the coming months. By next year this time we will have a whole new life in who knows where with a ONE year old. Oh my. My life has already gone by too fast. I guess I should get used to that since I have felt like I was just in high school last year for the past almost 10 years.
A friend posted a year in review with pictures and you would think that would be easy for me, but my pictures have been moved to a removable hard drive and I have to hook it up.. so maybe I will post the pics in a later post. I just am going to try to remember what happened last year!

January- I had just got back from Japan the very end of December and we brought in the New Year at my friend Mindy's house with friends. It was great and German new years are very fun with lots of fireworks!
February - We celebrated Valentines day in Berlin and we went to a GIANT indoor water park and we enjoyed a nude spa! We also took a tour on Segways and it was very very very cold. Tony headed to the field for 2 weeks and right after he left I found out we were going to have a baby! I waited till he got home to tell him in person and boy was that hard!
March - I took an official blood test at the hospital to confirm the pregnancy, filled out tons of paperwork, got our first taste of being parents by babysitting my friends little two year old girl one weekend, got our first sonogram and heard his heart beat, took a trip to the states, told our family and friends about the baby. I saw Britney Spears. It was awesome.
April - I spent a good 3 weeks in Texas visiting with family and friends! It was GREAT! My mom turned 50 too!
May - I flew on a Space Available flight to D.C. for my brother Josh's College/Masters Graduation and got to spend time with family. We celebrated our 2nd anniversary with a trip to Spain we stayed in Malaga and Seville. We visited Gibraltar also! We got to hear the heart beat again too. Tony's mom turned 50 also. Both would become grandmas at 50!
June - We found out its a boy!!! We also got to see the President of the UNITED States, Barack Obama, land at Ramstein Air Base. We also took a big trip to Dubai! It was a very nice trip. It was very hot there I don't know how they do it covered head to toe! I know that might keep some of the heat off them.. but when its all black!?
July - We hosted Tonys cousin and her family for a few days. I turned 26 this month. We celebrated with Thai food and friends. We also took a trip to visit our friend Roisin and the 3 of us went to Munich for a day of fun. I also got my hair cut - only a trim. I hardly ever get my hair cut. The last time was October of 08. Yes - sad I know.
August - We went to Trier with a friend of Tonys from West Point and it turned out to be a VERY VERY HOT day. It was over 100 out and we are no longer used to these hot days. Plus I was pregnant and already always hot. Tony bought a shield for Roman to play with. Oh and I finally did our Taxes..
September - We celebrated Tony's 27th Birthday with a trip to Belgium where he drank lots of beer and I watched. I climbed way too many stairs for being 8 months Pregnant. The giant KMCC also opened and began our many trips to the other side of the world for soap. (Ok so I exaggerate a little bit its 10 more minutes away but you have to add the time it takes to park, walk in, walk from one end to the other, and then stand in line, then walk out again)
October -October was a busy month. I played BUNCO for the first time and it was so much fun. I won two prizes. I think I played BINGO this month too maybe it was last month.. I won a very ugly wallet and I feel guilty about it since I am sure many people would have loved it. I wont twice really but didn't call fast enough and I the thing was cleared that lady was a bad caller.. We also went to the second largest beer fest in Germany held in Stuttgart Germany! It was much better then Oktoberfest according to me. Also my mom flew in to stay with us for almost 6 weeks to help with the baby. I am SO VERY thankful that she was able to do so, it was wonderful to have her. Oh ya and I cut my hair again this month.
November - Nov 3 I gave birth to Roman Anthony Corona. The most beautiful perfect little boy ever. He is such a joy and I love him so much. I swear he has the best smile EVER. EVER.
December - we celebrated our first Christmas Season as a family of 3. Tony's parents visited too.
I think I got all our trips in there?! How lucky am I? A wonderful loving husband, who is the sweetest dad and a healthy baby boy. We have our health and a safe home and anything we could need and a few things we don't. We both have wonderful family and friends that we miss and cant wait to spend time with. I am thankful for everything I have and all that has happened to be. Good and bad it all has made me who I am. Thank you for contributing to my life.